Friday, April 03, 2015

Bloodletting and Gun Control

Why do liberals constantly cry for more gun control?   They offer gun control as a remedy for "gun violence."

What I want to ask why we don't hear about fist violence, baseball bat violence, or knife violence?  Can I point out that someone is killed with a knife, a gun, or a baseball bat, he is just as dead.  Inherent in this terminology is that gun violence is somehow worse than other forms.

But I digress.  Can I ask a question, though?  Why don't we use blood-letting any more?

You remember bloodletting, don't you?  It was the ancient practice of bleeding a patient to heal them of the illnesses like fever.

The simple answer is that we found that the basic theory behind the practice was false.  Being false, it didn't work to cure the problem, and often made it worse.

The liberals basic theory behind gun control is that the gun is, in itself, inherently evil, and that the very presence of a gun leads to violence.  Don't believe me?

  • Gun buy-back programs, while popular, assume that buying guns from the populace with no questions asked will prevent violence.  The fact is, those who commit violence with guns will never sell them at one of these events.  A large majority of the guns removed from the street tend to be broken or inherited firearms that the owner doesn't want
  • Congress passed the Gun-Free School Zone act in 1990.  Every chart that I've seen of school-shootings by year shows the same or more shootings since then.

Every single time some crazy person goes on a rampage with a gun, illegal or not, the media responds with calls to pass more laws.

Looking at Sandy Hook slaughter, we find
  • It was against the law for Adam Lanza to posses the .22 caliber he used to murder his mother.
  • It was against the law to steal the weapons used in the murders
  • It was against the law to murder.
  • It was against the law to have a gun in a school zone.
  • It was against the law to trespass
  • It was against the law to break and enter
How, pray tell, would have background checks done anything?  He didn't buy the guns?

How, pray tell, would any proposed legislation do anything whatsoever? 

The only proposal I've heard that might have made a difference was the call for having armed guards in the schools.

No, friend.  Gun control makes it harder for law-abiding people to have guns to protect themselves, while doing nothing to prevent criminals from having them.

The same people who advocate for legalization of drugs, because prohibition doesn't work, are the same people who advocate a prohibition of guns. If drug laws won't keep a druggie from getting coke, why do you think a gun control law would?

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