Sunday, February 21, 2010

Invention of Lying

Saw the movie "Invention of Lying" this weekend. I rate it a 2 out of 10. I give it such high marks because of the creative and interesting premise the movie is based on.

For those of you who've not yet wasted your money to see this movie (don't by the way), let me give you a plot synopsis.

In a world where everyone tells the truth, all the time about everything, there is no fiction (since it is basically not true), all movies are a retelling of history. The Hero is a not-so-attractive writer for the movies who gets fired (his last two screen plays were based around the black death of the 1300s), then evicted from his apartment because he only has $300 in the bank, and rent is $800.

He has a love interest who doesn't think that he is a good genetic match to her ("our kids will be fat kids with pug noses)

He goes to the bank to close out his account, and their system is down. they ask him how much he has in the bank (nobody can lie, remember) and he says $800. The computers come on, they say "The system says you only have $300, so sorry for our mistake"

The main crux, though, starts when he tells his dying mom, who is afraid of the nothingness of death, that there is life after death. He is overheard by some nurses, and it just goes downhill from there.

Before the political analysis, I just want to point out some plot holes big enough to drive a bus through.
  • In the movie, everyone is both truthful (a good thing), and lacking in any compassion or tact (not quite so good). They will say things that are hurtful, if true, without any concern about what how they are saying affects the other person. I can tell someone the truth without hurting them. Why would people lack the ability to care for each other just because they tell the truth?  If my wife asks me "honey do I look like a supermodel?  I would answer, "To me, you're just as beautiful, but your body type isn't one that would classify as a supermodel", not "No, you're too fat."  Both are true, the latter is hurtful.
  • It is possible to speak what you think is the truth, but be mistaken. Sometimes, I forget about a transaction or two, so my account balance is not what I thought it was.  Why would the bank assume that that there was no mistake in fact.
  • In the movie, nobody believes in God.  They have a comparable level of technology.  That means that speculation is possible, for without it, there can be no possibility of technical advancement.  Even, for the sake of argument, we ignore the fact that God did tell man He existed, why could not someone speculate on the biggest questions man have ever asked (e.g. "why am I here?"  "How did I get here?"  "What is the purpose to existence?" "Do I have a meaning?"  "What happens when I die?")
To say the movie is disparaging to religion is a rather gross understatement.  It makes the belief in God more laughable than Santa Claus. 

The movie, though, shows some thought (at least what passes for thought for pop-culture atheists.)  One point, a magazine shows the title "Finally, a reason to be good", referring to the 'man in the sky' God reference.  It also shows the meaninglessness of life and death in the absence of God, thought it doesn't really dwell on it.

Overall, this movie stunk.  Don't waste your time.

    Tuesday, February 02, 2010

    Obama a Socialist?

    I made a statement that I believe that Obama is a socialist. That was not meant as an insult to him, nor was I trying to throw verbal firebombs. I am only obectivily classify his belief system.

    I will attempt to explain why I say that, but first, let us start with the definition of Socialism. According to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, Socialism is.
    1. any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

    2. (a:) a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
      (b:) a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

    3. a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
    It is in the manner of definitions 1 and 2b that I refer to President Obama as a socialist.

    Since being in office, he's
    • taken effective control over many banking companies (Through TARP)
    • taken control over GM and Chrysler.
    • attempting to eliminate surface mining in WV by having the EPA endlessly review mining permits that have already been approved.
    These three steps shows governmental control and ownership over the production and distribution of goods.

    If the Health Care legislation goes through, nearly 1/6th of the economy will be under either direct or indirect control of the government.

    Birds of a Feather
    Obama's goal is to make the U.S. like European powers, which are uniformly socialist. The Euro-style socialism is less insane than the Easter European model (U.S.S.R style), and less totalitarian and brutal than the Nazi National Socialists.

    This is a telling quote from a communist group
    "This group is for self-proclaimed Marxists/Communists/Socialists for the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency. By no means is he a true Marxist, but under Karl Marx's writings we are to support the party with the best interests of the mobilization of the proletariat." from

    Or another socialist group seeing Obama as a candidate who can move the nation towards their goals.

    DSA believes that the possible election of Senator Obama to the presidency... represents a potential opening for social and labor movements to generate the critical political momentum necessary to implement a progressive political agenda. We know that a proactive and progressive government can come only on the heels of a broad coalition for social justice united against a reactionary Republicanism as well as a Democratic neoliberalism. Democratic Socialists of America Statement on the 2008 Election
    The ten points of the Communist manifesto sound a lot like the DNC national platform. Here are seven of them. Remember that Communism IS socialism but taken to its logical extreme. USSR stood for United Soviet Socialist Republics
    1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. (EPA routinely goes after private land for 'environmental' purposes)
    2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
    3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
    5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
    6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
    7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. (Read GM)
    10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.[8]
    I believe that Obama has good intentions, but what was the statement about the pavement on the road to hell?

    Some other good links