Wednesday, August 01, 2012



Every since Dan Cathy, an admitted Evangelical Christian,  told a Baptist publication he supported the traditional, Biblical view of marriage, there has been a firestorm of controversy.

I can understand the shock.  I mean, after all, who would have suspected that a born-again, conservative Christian, in an interview with a Christian publication, would come out to side with what the Bible says?  

In other words, if you were shocked by the admission, you were stupid.  Sorry, but that's the honest truth.  If you were only ticked that someone would dare disagree with your politics, then maybe you you need to examine yourself.  After all, there's this whole free-speech thing in the Constitution that most liberals cherish that would seem to apply.

 While I don't have a problem with folks boycotting a store because they don't like its politics, I do have a problem with the tone and tenor of the discussion.  The vitriol was repugnant. 

Since when is disagreeing with somebody "hate?"  Since when is it profane to say "I support marriage between one man and one woman?"  Since when is it OK to verbally assault a minimum wage clerk at a fast food restaurant because of something the CEO said? 

The radical (and dare I would say rabid)  homosexual lobby will destroy anyone, tear down anything and mock anyone that stands in their way of getting their lifestyle venerated.  Veneration is the only word that fits, because tolerance isn't enough.

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