I hate the camera in my cellphone. It's very low resolution (640X480), most of the time the pictures are blurry, and sometimes the lighting is such the pictures look stupid.

Even so, I love having a camera in my cellphone. Every now and then, I see something unexpected, and I can capture it with my camera.

Sometimes, it's amusing, sometimes it's disturbing, and sometimes it's one of those indelible, iconic moments that turn to cherished memories .

Today, I saw this car parked in fr
ont of our building. It was rather unusual and amusing.

Especially, if you have kids, you need to have a cell phone camera, because you never know when the 'cutest' moments will occur.

Case in point is Benny eating an ice cream cone at Little Huskies

Or the expression on his face while eating a tomatoe at Maw Maw Di's.
Camera phones rock.
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