Liberalism, in it's current form, is a offshoot of Marxist theory. At the heart of Marx's ideas is the concept of class struggle. Formally, it's known as conflict theory. In a nutshell, the idea of conflict theory is that people are always going to revolt against upper classes because of inequity.
That, folks, is the crux of the matter. Somebody has something you don't so you're upset. You're not just upset, your mad and willing to fight over it.
Liberalism today seeks equity. Don't believe me? Take these few examples.
- The earned income tax credit gives poor people who don't pay income tax needs to get a refund too!
- Affirmative action programs force fairness in hiring, and enforce this fairness by assuming that any differences between the population of the workforce and the population in general are the result of racism.
- Not keeping score in little league, because somebody will lose.
Here is a shocking truth. People aren't equal.
Compared to me, some people are smarter. Others are faster. Some are healthier. Lots are better looking, a few are harder working. No society can ever ignore those differences.
Liberals want to. When they see one person who has more of something than someone else, it causes envy. Envy leads to guilt, so they want to take away that thing.
Fairness is not the government taking money from one and giving it to someone else. Fairness is setting the boundaries, and letting the players play the game, using all the talent, skill and work ethic God gave them.