Now the liberal line is that the recent protests during town hall meetings as fake, 'astroturf' is the term.
They say that the protesters are not everyday people. They say that these people are planted. They say that there is an organization. Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer even said it's unamerican.
Oh, you filthy hypocrites! It is you, fair-minded liberal, who said that protesting is the highest form of patriotism! It is you, members of the far left, that have bussed in protesters by the hundreds all over the nation! Lefties, you are the ones who have done everything short of paying people to protest to drum up support for your cause! And you have the gull, the unmitigated audacity to complain about us?
Sure, I know our side is hypocritical as well. We've criticized the wackos from code pink and act up for being rude and interrupting events, while we sit back and cheer when the red-faced tea partier screams down a senator. But our level of hypocritical behavior pales in the face of your past stances, dear liberal.
What does the following people and organizations have in common?
- Code Pink
- Act Up
- Cindy Sheehan
- Jane Fonda(who is now a born again Christian as of 2001.)
- most unions
When the SAME EXACT behavior occurs from our side (although, usually, it's much more sedate and mannerly. We Conservatives like to follow rules, even when protesting. We pick up our trash too, afterwards.) you point your crooked fingers at us, foaming at the mouth, and stammer out baseless accusations such as racism and call us unamerican.
Suck it up, stop your whining, pull up your big boy underwear, and deal with it!
For decades, our side has been mostly silent and passive, while yours has been loud and aggressive.
What's good for Code Pink is good for the tea parties, and it's about time you got a taste of your own medicine!