Sunday, April 05, 2009

Cap and Trade

Environmentalists, are you stupid?  You are behind Obama's Cap and Trade deal despite the facts that
  • The major polluters will not be affected (China, for example)
  • Cap and Trade will destroy our economy by raising energy prices to such a level that our current economy will fall.
  • Cap and trade will bring poverty, and poor nations have some of the poorest environmental records.
  • For years, environmentalists have complained about pollution, and companies have responded by cleaning up  emissions, redesigning products and so forth.  The result is that the only by-product produced in quantity now is CO2.  CO2 is also a by-product of breathing. How surprising it is that this useful gas, without which there would be no food, is now the state enemy # 1 with environmentalists.  If a device was made tomorrow that made burning coal as clean as wind power, do you think environmentalists would support it?
The problem isn't pollution.  I believe that a certain core of hyper-environmentalism is behind the recent pushes.  I seem them as religious fanatics who worship mother earth.  They view humans as a pestilence on the face of the planet, and loath any lifestyle above that of the Aborigines.

Their goal is to destroy modern life, and decrease population to 'sustainable' levels.    Most 'greens' are not among these, but buy into the whole notion that man is destroying the earth by not living like animals.

I am a conservationist.  I believe we huamns need to preserve and care for our envirnonment, while we make use of its resources.  Cut down that tree, but plant one.  Kill that deer, but leave enough to ensure the survial of the species.

Friday, April 03, 2009

The Pope, AIDS, Condoms, and the Liberal Mindset.

I am not Catholic.  I typically have no opinion on anything the Pope says, nor do I generally care what other people say about him.  

Back in mid March, the Pope went to Africa, and said that condoms are not the way to prevent AIDS/HIV.  

The liberals foamed at the mouth.  Here are their talking points.
  • How dare he!  There are people dying and he doesn't care.
  • Telling people to abstain from sex is nonsensitical.  People are going to have sex, and if we don't have them use condoms, they'll die!
  • He's an old man, and therefore is either confused or is so old he doesn't remember what its like to have a libido.
  • The only way to prevent HIV/AIDS is to push condom usage hard!
I don't know if the Pope cares or not, but I would bet that he did care.  That's not his point.  Do you know what's driving the pandemic in Africa?  Sexual immorality.

The New York Times says " researchers agree that extramarital sex has been a major factor in the AIDS epidemic. At least four million Africans, 80 percent of those infected, are believed to have acquired the AIDS virus through heterosexual intercourse."(emphasis mine)

Another publication mentions that researchers have identified  Transactional Sex , a euphamizum for armature prostitution, is a major driving force in the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa.

The Pope's point wasn't "Do not ever have sex"  but rather, "Have as much sex as you want, as long as it is only with your wife or husband."

If both the husband and wife are  monogamous, and clean of the virus, guess what.  They can't catch it!  

What is stupid, though, is encouraging condom use as if it is a cure all.  If used perfectly, condoms fail about 20% of the time.  Let's take a six-shot pistol, put one bullet in it, spin the revolver, and put the gun to our heads and pull the trigger.    That's real close to the actual odds of condom breakage. 

I'm not against passing out condoms to adults in Africa, but I think the better solution is to encourage men to be faithful to their wives, or the disease will.  If there were no extra matrial sex, the epidemic would stop very quickly.