Monday, April 10, 2006

Great News!

It has been awhile since my last post. Life is still running at 100 miles an hour, but God is good.

Yesterday at church, a dear friend of ours went to the alter and rededicate her life. I think that she's been out of the will since she was a teenager, and now God is re-established control. PRAISE GOD. I have seen the hand of God moving in her life, and was praying...

Then, in the evening service, a friend of ours from church got saved! He had been fighting God every since his wife started going to church, and last night, it was too much. Rebecca and I praised the Lord all day Sunday and all day today. The Lord is good, and merciful!

Speaking of the Lord, isn't it funny how the world portrays the things of God? Case in point is the new "Ten commandants" movie. I caught a few scenes tonight. The production value is execellent, but the writers missed several, rather important points of the story. First, they show Moses telling the children of Isreal to "get ready to leave, eat a dinner with bread and the bitter herbs we season our food with, and put the blood from the meal on your door. That's important."

Important? You think? Forgetting the omission of the requirement of a spotless lamb, and forgetting the requirement for the family to abrasive the lamb for a certain number of days, to ensure its purity, down-playing the blood on the doorposts is like telling of the capture of Osama Bin whatever in the "in other news" section of the evening news broadcast.

Folks, the blood was the focal point of the entire episode. That last plague was different than all the ones prior to it, in that the Jews were not automacially excluded from it. There was only one criteria to be safe from death, and that was to apply the blood of a spotless lamb to your door. Anyone inside that door was safe (regaurdless of race), anyone outside that blood was subject to death (regarless of race) Any Egyptian who believed in the God of the Jews could have moved inside the house of their slaves, and would have been spared.

The blood in the story was a strong picture of the blood of Christ, that is applied to the doorposts of the heart of every Christian. Anyone who has the blood applied is safe, all those who don't aren't